Putters milled vs insert | Golf Monthly

I think it can be too easy to get caught up in all this putter technology with all these faces that are designed to help you putt better. If you can't putt consistently then it does not matter what you use, I found that one out. Sort your technique out then go try some putters

It is a totally personal preference. GO for what suits you. I had a 2-ball white hot. Was really struggling with my putting so purchased a v-easy. The V-easy sorted my putting technique out, but then I was struggling to use my 2-ball. So I decided to open the cupboard and bring out of retirement a 20 year old Ping Zing bladed copper headed putter. No fancy milled faces and soft inserts. What a difference, no alignment aids, no fancy faces designed to give a more consistent role, just me, my putter, a ball and a hole to stick it in. All I have done is change the old grip for a nice soft Black Widow one.

I think it can be too easy to get caught up in all this putter technology with all these faces that are designed to help you putt better. If you can't putt consistently then it does not matter what you use, I found that one out. Sort your technique out then go try some putters out and see what is best for you. You have all winter to do this now so what a great time to do it.

