Jesus Christ is the answer, proclaim leaders at general conference

The Savior Jesus Christ is the best guide, the way back to Heavenly Father, the source of strength, rest, hope, peace, healing and joy indeed He is the answer, taught leaders in October 2022 general conference.

The Savior Jesus Christ is the best guide, the way back to Heavenly Father, the source of strength, rest, hope, peace, healing and joy — indeed He is the answer, taught leaders in October 2022 general conference.

President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said the Savior is the answer to overcoming the world and finding rest

“Dear brothers and sisters, my message to you today is that because Jesus Christ overcame this fallen world and because He atoned for each of us, you too can overcome this sin-saturated, self-centered and often exhausting world,” President Nelson said on Sunday morning.

And all can overcome the world with His help — this is done through the Atonement and covenants. 

“As we strive to live the higher laws of Jesus Christ, our hearts and our very natures begin to change. The Savior lifts us above the pull of this fallen world by blessing us with greater charity, humility, generosity, kindness, self-discipline, peace and rest,” President Nelson said.

The Atonement of Jesus Christ

Without the Savior’s Atonement, taught Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the eternal principle of justice would require punishment. But because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, mercy can prevail for those who have repented and allow them to return to the presence of God.

“We would do well to ponder this wonderful doctrine,” Elder Cook taught on Sunday afternoon. “None can return to God by his or her own good works alone; we all need the benefit of the Savior’s sacrifice. All have sinned, and it is only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ that we can obtain mercy and live with God.”

Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said Jesus Christ, through His Atonement, allows people to receive a fullness of joy. Elder Gong taught Sunday morning that divine ordinances enable sanctifying covenants with the Lord.

“Our joy becomes full as we feel Jesus Christ’s grace and forgiveness for us,” Elder Gong said.  “And, as we offer the miracle of His grace and forgiveness to each other, the mercy we receive and the mercy we offer can help make life’s injustices just.”


Jesus Christ is the answer as the world grows more evil, said Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles during the Saturday evening session. Making and keeping covenants allows the love of the Savior to sink deeper into one’s heart — and increases spiritual survival.

“As you allow your love for the Savior and His love for you to sink deep into your heart, I promise you added confidence, peace and joy in meeting the challenges of your life,” Elder Andersen said.

The Savior “is the point, not our perfect progress,” said Sister Michelle D. Craig, first counselor in the Young Women general presidency, on Saturday evening. Jesus Christ is the answer to the question why Church members walk the covenant path. 

“The power we need to withstand the heat of our day is the Lord’s power, and His power flows through our covenants with Him,” Sister Craig said.

A guide

Following Jesus Christ with footsteps of faith leads to hope, taught President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, on Saturday afternoon.

“There is hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. There is hope for all in this life,” President Ballard said. 

“There is hope to overcome our mistakes, our sorrows and struggles, and our trials and troubles. There is hope in repentance and being forgiven and in forgiving others. I testify that there is hope and peace in Christ.” 

President Ballard spoke of pioneers — and said the Savior Jesus Christ is the ultimate pioneer in preparing the way. 

“Indeed, He is ‘the way’ for the plan of salvation to be accomplished so that we can repent, and through faith in Him, return to our Heavenly Father.” 

Saturday morning, Elder Dieter F. Uctdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles told the rising generation that the best guide they could possibly have for making choices is Jesus Christ. 

“When you have important choices to make, Jesus Christ and His restored gospel are the best choice,” Elder Uchtdorf said. “When you have questions, Jesus Christ and His restored gospel are the best answer. When you feel weak, Jesus Christ is your strength.”

Peace and healing

Sister Kristin M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, was speaking for the first time in general conference. She shared how the Savior was the answer for her in finding peace and healing on the path of forgiveness

“I came to realize in a profound way that the same Son of God who atoned for my sins is the same Redeemer who will also save those who have deeply hurt me,” Sister Yee said.

Christ is the answer for healing, said Elder James W. McConkie III, General Authority Seventy, who spoke in the Saturday afternoon session about lessons learned from the account of the Savior healing the man with palsy.

“When we bring physical, emotional or other illnesses to Christ, we can do so knowing He has the power to heal and comfort,” Elder McConkie said.


Following the Savior and being one with Him leads to belonging for all, taught Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on Saturday afternoon. Jesus Christ is at the center of belonging — because people don’t join the Church for fellowship alone, they join for redemption through the love and grace of Jesus Christ. 

“We can ‘be of good cheer; [for Christ has] overcome the world,’ and we are with Him” (John 16:33), Elder Christofferson said.

Also addressing belonging, Sister J. Anette Dennis, first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, said everyone needs to feel they really do belong and are needed in the body of Christ — and He is the answer in how to reach that goal.

She said in the Sunday morning session, “As we follow His example, we can be yoked with Him and help foster a feeling of love and belonging in the hearts of all our Father’s children.”

The way

Sister Tracy Y. Browning, second counselor in the Primary general presidency, said in her talk on Saturday morning that “the Savior invites us to see our lives through Him, in order to see more of Him in our lives.” In this way, He helps people to remain fixed and heading in the right direction. 

He is the only source and way to receive forgiveness and redemption, Sister Browning said. 

As the speakers pointed toward Jesus Christ and His Atonement, and how covenants and following Him bring rest, peace and joy, they showed how the answers are all found in Jesus. And Elder Ryan K. Olsen, General Authority Seventy, titled his Sunday afternoon talk, “The Answer Is Jesus.”

He told a story of when he asked his nephew how he got so smart. The 6-year-old confidently said, “Jesus.” This is a simple yet profound teaching, said Elder Olsen. 

He gave other examples pointing to Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and the life. 

“The answer to the simplest questions, and to the most complex problems, is always the same. The answer is Jesus Christ. Every solution is found in Him.”

