Hundreds WITHOUT masks party at NYs Fire Island on July 4th as one man brags about having COVI

PHOTOS and videos from the July 4 weekend show hundreds of unmasked revelers partying at Fire Island in New York and one man even bragged about having coronavirus. People flocked to the party hotspot without wearing face coverings, forcing police to walk through the gatherings and urge people to keep their distance to no

PHOTOS and videos from the July 4 weekend show hundreds of unmasked revelers partying at Fire Island in New York ā€“ and one man even bragged about having coronavirus.

People flocked to the party hotspot without wearing face coverings, forcing police to walk through the gatherings and urge people to keep their distance to no avail.

Pix11 News reported that Suffolk County police were called to the beach at Fire Island Pines on Long Island twice on Saturday because people refused to socially distance.

Attendee Corey Hannon, even bragged on social media that he was infected with COVID-19, but went to the beach after quarantining for just eight days, the Daily Mail reported.

In a since deleted Instagram post, Hannon is heard saying in the video: "You know what, I did have COVID. Everyone knows I had COVID, and you know what I did? I sat in my f***ing bedroom and quarantined myself for eight f***ing days.

"And suffered through COVID. And now Iā€™m out celebrating. So go f*** yourselves. I hope all of you get f***ing COVID, you nasty, nasty trolls.

The 27-year-old New Yorker detailed his alleged battle with coronavirus often on Facebook in the days before his trip to Fire Island, as per the Mail.

He also reportedly shared on Facebook that he felt sick, writing "F*** you, Miss Rona. I thought I was cured" ā€“ but according to the Mail all these posts have been deleted.

Hannon later issued a video apology that he "made a mistake and I'm paying the price [for it]" and that he had never been officially diagnosed with the virus.

He also addressed "cancel culture," revealing that he had gotten death threats and booed off a train because of his Fire Island antics.

Another party-goer Giancarlo Albanese reportedly shared an Instagram post, writing "F*** your mask. F*** your social distancing. F*** your vaccine."

"F*** your eugenics," Albanese reportedly wrote. "Kiss my a**hole if you think Im an a**."

Social media posts showed dozens of people grouped together at the seaside soiree without masks, while locals blasted their careless actions in failing to implement CDC guidelines.

Many were in the Fire Island for the 44th Annual Invasion of the Pines ā€“ but organizers had emphasized the need for staying safe and socially distant on Instagram days before.

A former COVID hotspot, Long Island is currently in Phase 3 of the state's reopening plan and Phase 4 is expected to begin on Wednesday.

Gov Andrew Cuomo on Sunday emphasized the onus on local government to implement and enforce the rules, however.

Cuomo also acknowledged the Fire Island rule breakers during his daily press briefing on Monday for getting "complacent, cocky, and arrogant."


"That is a real threat and it's a threat that I'm concerned about," he said. "You look at the festivities over July 4th, you see gatherings that are not socially distanced, they're not wearing masks.

"You see it in Manhattan, you see it on Fire Island.

"I need, we need, every person in the state needs the local governments to enforce the law."

